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High-Level Assertive Communication Skills

If you find that speaking up and asserting your opinions and needs make you feel nervous and lead you to be silent or deeply frustrated, then building assertive communication skills will enhance the quality of your life and your relationships.


It takes great skill to communicate effectively and assert oneself in a respectful manner. Assertiveness is non-aggressive and relies on impeccable listening skills; it requires self-awareness and an ability to monitor one’s emotions in a moment’s notice. It protects the integrity of one’s wishes and needs. It allows for the possibility to say “no” to inappropriate requests from others, negotiate for what one wants, and fluidly function between different cultural and social contexts. I will evaluate your current strengths as well as the barriers to your assertiveness so you can more fully speak your own respectful truth.

High-Level Problem-Solving Skills 

If you find that you seem to lose your cognitive abilities to problem-solve during job interviews, as a leader with your teams, during exams, or at home, I will help you assess what gets in the way of staying highly functional when stress increases, so you can eventually learn to trust yourself to find efficient solutions, whatever challenge may come your way. 

Problem-solving requires high-functioning cognitive skills, creativity, and a flexible mind-set to approach, evaluate, and resolve challenges. The ability to problem-solve efficiently can help you resolve interpersonal conflicts and achieve optimal solutions for any issues that inevitably present themselves in life.


Cultural Transitions and Identity Transformation in a new environment

If  you recently moved or if you moved a long time ago but can't seem to feel at peace within your surroundings, with people around you and within your own self, you may be stuck in a developmental stage of acculturation.  You may feel that you have lost aspects of your "old" self and may feel more insecure than you used to be in your native country. Or you may feel that you do not belong anywhere.

Moving away from one's home is challenging, whatever the reasons for the move (forced or voluntary), the timeline (temporary or permanent), the economic or family conditions that lead to the expatriation/immigration. It inevitably creates culture shock and leads to a transformation of one's sense of identity. The complex web of relationships to your country of origin will have an impact on your adjustment to the new country, and, ideally, you will transform through the several developmental changes required for a stable adaptation to your new place and your changing sense of self. We will address your current struggles in order to design your next steps that will allow you to feel at peace, wherever you are.


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